2023年6月24日「モバイル英語学習」第788号 ( 英語のエッセイ): The Three Bad Ps

I have just started listening to a podcast about language learning, and the two podcasters talk about the three bad Ps of language learning. There are three things beginning with P that slow down language learners: passiveness, perfectionism, and pride.
(1) Don’t be passive. If you just wait for the teacher to teach you everything, you will probably never learn a language. You need to be active outside class. Read, listen to podcasts, write a diary, or learn a song.
(2) Don’t try to be perfect. Some learners don’t want to speak because they cannot say something correctly. Good learners make a lot of mistakes, but they learn a lot from them.
(3) Don’t be proud. A beginning learner cannot communicate like an adult. You have to start from zero and learn a few words each time. Of course you sometimes sound like a child, but that’s normal. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)