2021年5月19日「モバイル英語学習」第697号 (英語のエッセイ): Lawrence of Arabia

T. E. Lawrence 1888年8月16日 – 1935年5月19日)は、イギリスの軍人、考古学者。オスマン帝国に対するアラブ人の反乱(アラブ反乱)を支援した人物で、映画『アラビアのロレンス』の主人公のモデルとして知られる;
fall off 落ちる,転倒する;
Ottoman Empire オスマントルコ帝国;

In 1935, a man was riding his motorcycle when he saw two boys in the road. He tried not to hit them, but he fell off his motorcycle and died from the accident on May 19. His name was T. E. Lawrence. When he was in his twenties, Lawrence went to the Middle East to study. World War I started, and he helped the Arabs fight against the Ottoman Empire. In 1962, they made a movie about his life. The title is “Lawrence of Arabia.” It is almost four hours long, but many people think that it is one of the best movies ever made. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

Theatrical poster for the film Lawrence of Arabia (1963)

2020年8月30日「モバイル英語学習」第670号 (英語ストーリー): Abraham Lincoln and the pig

in company with (人と)一緒に;
stuck (stickの過去形) 〔…の中に〕止まって動かない; はまり込む
mud ぬかるみ;
squeal 悲鳴をあげる;
comical こっけいな,おどけた;

One day as Abraham Lincoln was riding along a country road on horseback, in company with some friends, he saw a pig stuck fast in a deep place filled with mud, struggling to keep from going in deeper. The poor pig was squealing in terror, and the comical sight filled the friends with laughter and delight. After Lincoln had ridden on a little distance, he turned back his horse, saying, “Gentlemen, excuse me a few moments,” and rode back as fast as he could to the place where the poor creature was, got down from his horse, and drew the pig out of the mud. When he rejoined his companions they asked, “Why did you go back?” He told them what he had done, adding, “I couldn’t sleep well to-night, if I hadn’t done that thing.” (by William James Sly)